This should be rather simple, but, well, I’m asking.
I want to put a black bar that ends in gray at the top of the page and a gray bar that ends in black at the bottom as shown here.
Thanks in advance for successful information.
This should be rather simple, but, well, I’m asking.
I want to put a black bar that ends in gray at the top of the page and a gray bar that ends in black at the bottom as shown here.
Thanks in advance for successful information.
Something is broken in your image link, even if I remove the initial !
(which, incidentally, can work only on images uploaded to AskLO).
Edit your question (clicking on the edit link) to wipe out your current link and use the “slide” tool icon which is specifically designed to upload images.
The problem is the forum software is massively hokey. I’ve been in IT over 30 years and that image handling is unforgivably hokey. I asked for a link, I put the link in and it looked good in the preview. The forum software is just no good. I had to screen scrape that and upload.
I would think of putting an empty text table in the header and in the footer with cells filled with desired colors.
Thank you. The one-row table did the trick.
There are two ways to tackle the problem.
##Decoration from margin to margin
Insert a 1-row × 2-coumn table in header and footer and just select the desired cell background colour.
##Decoration from edge to edge (assuming your printer can do it)
Create a graphics image, e.g. in Draw, with the target dimensions, one for the header, one for the footer.
In the header, paste the image and review its properties (right-click on it and Properties
tab, Position section, center it horizontally to Entire page
and vertically From top
by xx cm to Entire page
Do the same in the footer.
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In case you need clarification, edit your question (not an answer which is reserved for solutions) or comment the relevant answer.
Create your image.
In Format > Page Style, click on the tab labelled Header, tick Header On.
Click the More… button, in the new dialog click on the tab Area, click the button Bitmap, then click Add/Import. Navigate to your saved image and Open. Adjust with Style > Custom Position/size.
Or you could try one of the existing bitmaps. Or the Gradient button seems to offer the ability to make a simple band as in your picture.
Repeat for Footer. Cheers, Al