Need help with a specialized search

I have a document with a long list of song titles, each of which ending with a carriage return. I want to do searches from the search bar in order to find particular song titles. For example, I might want to find items in the list that begin with “The”, but I don’t want to find all "The"s that appear within each - only the ones at the beginning. So I want to do a search for the word “The” preceded with a carriage return. How can I do this?

Hello @jmcd1965, Please, choose retag (below your question), delete common, type write and press Enter twice. Thanks. The common tag is for all LibreOffice modules (Writer, Calc, Draw, etc.). The meta tag is for matters related to this site.

In the Find: field type ^The, and check Regular expressions.

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LibreOffice Help on Using Regular Expressions in Text Searches, and List of Regular Expressions.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Thank you very much LeroyG. That was very helpful.

You’re welcome!