Base: Blue-colored left border and bottom lines remain after leaving Tables, Queries and Forms icon menus.

I am using Fedora 33 Workstation Official Edition + LibreOffice .

  1. Open .odb file, default selection is on Forms icon menu.

  2. Click Tables

  3. Click Queries, blue-colored left border and bottom lines remain on Tables icon menu.

  4. Click Forms, blue-colored left border and bottom lines remain on Tables and Queries icon menus.

  5. Click Reportss, blue-colored left border and bottom lines remain on Tables, Queries and Forms icon menu.

It does not affect working but it should not show.

Can anybody using other Linux branches please check ?


Have had this situation for some time now on Ubuntu 20.04.1 and believe it is on other linux distros. I simply ignore it. Have seen tdf#138773.

Dear @Ratslinger,

Thank you for your support.

I have reported tdf#138733.