How can I change the default behavior of Copy&Paste? (Word to Writer)

When I copy a text from Microsoft Word to LibreOffice Writer, it is always pasted as an image. How can I configure LibreOffice to paste text?

I know the solution about “Paste Special”. I think this solution is too complicated.

Configuration details

  • MacOS: 10.15.7
  • Word: 16.43
  • Writer:

This is really strange. Have you set an “unusual” select mode in Word? In Writer, there is an Edit>Selection Mode>Block Area, but it results in a collection of paragraphs (each one containing an horizontal line segment). Have you activated such a feature in Word?

That’s tdf#137905.

@jmux, thank you! I will contribute to that bug.

@ajlittoz, nope nothings special in Word.