Presentation export to PDF with internal links?

I am creating a slide deck and I want to be able to hyperlink from one slide to another so that when it is exported to PDF people can navigate the presentation using the links. When I create a hyperlink and choose a target within the document, I can select my slides and everything works in LibreOffice.

When I export to PDF, the objects and text I have set as links show up as links (the hand appears when hovering over them), but when clicked they go nowhere.

I have played with the various export to PDF settings. Is there something else I need to do?

Did the various settings make any kind of difference? Did you try the answer from How can I export an Impress presentation to PDF and preserve hyperlinks? ?

I did try the various settings and nothing seemed to work.

I found the answer. Instead of adding a hyperlink under the Insert menu, I clicked on the Interaction button in toolbar. When I added the action to jump to a slide from there, the link carried through into the PDF in both Adobe Reader and Mac Preview.

Hi just to note, this solution is not working for me. Would be great if this could be implemented.