How to use "wildcard" character in edit>find/replace to remove dates

I transfer a via snapshot/screenshot a " spreadsheet" off a web page into libraoffice spreadsheet

i desire to remove all the dates from the spread sheet in the format 01/01/2020 or like I tried ??/??/?? and //* as the find “string” neither works and I can not “easily” find an solution on a internet search.

Is it possible to perform this operation/filter for edit>find/replace?

Use ..\/..\/...., with Regular expressions checked.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Hello @jdadams, You can use “`” before and after a text, so that “*” are shown and not interpreted as italics marks.

I transfer a via snapshot/screenshot a " spreadsheet" off a web page into libraoffice spreadsheet

A screenshot is an image and you can’t change images using Find&Replace, which works on strings and an image has no strings at all.

Leap 15.1 (OpenSuse)

Attempted to Edit>Find/Replace use the string withing the quotes, quotes characters were not put in search string the results of using search string “…/…/…” was search string not found.

The data was transfer by cut and paste method, not snapshot/screen shot

@jdadams, Please, copy your “answer”, edit your question, and paste it there. Then delete your answer, because it doesn’t solve your question. Thanks.

Use ../../.... ..\/..\/...., with Regular expressions checked.

EDIT: No need to quote the slash (/). Image replaced. List of ICU Regular Expression Metacharacters

Find dates

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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