Writer page thumbnail view?

Is there a way to get a page thumbnail view in sidebar as a navigation option (such like the use as of .pdf viewers or PPT/ ODF(Draw/Impress) presentation slideshows) for Writer?

Thank You both! thats pretty much what I have been doing, by scaling down the zoom with mutipage view on and replacing the selector slider mark to zoom back. I was hoping for some sort of hotkey form or dual window view, something more intuitively formulated for referencing in progress. I guess this will work fine enough, as I dont know any other writing software that does such actions.

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Only you can do that because the more link only shows to the answer owner.

Since pages are not primary manageable objects in Writer but dynamically allocated consequences of text flow, there is no such navigation tool. However, there is a workaround. It is not fully user-friendly because it needs several manipulations and causes a break in the workflow.

  • look at the right-end part of the bottom status bar (if not visible, View>Status Bar)

zoom slider

  • click on the center icon at left of the zoom slider (these icons are from left to right: single page, multiple pages and book view modes)

  • set the zoom ratio at minimum (20%) using the slider or the - button

  • click on a page

  • set back the zoom ratio to 100% clicking on the mark in the zoom slider

Scrolling in reduced view may be slow on large document

Usually, you are not interested in reaching a specific page but rather in reaching a specific paragraph. If your document is structured using the Heading n paragraph styles, these paragraphs are hierarchically listed in the Navigator (displayed in the side pane with the “compass” icon or F5 if not visible). Double click on one and you’re scrolled to the destination.

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in my view the only way is to use the view zoom and select multiple pages at the bottom of writer