Default system wide line styles

I have looked solutions for default line styles for Draw, but all option is template or session based. I 99,9% in cases use same type of Lines and widht & colors as default and now by default it’s always totally wrong. I want to dictate these settings to my system wide deafaults. I hate that it’s Dark Blue 1 as default as I never ever use that color on the lines.

So - system wide defaults HOWTO?

LibreOffice uses defaults compiled in statically, i.e. inside its binaries, for things that don’t come from templates/documents. So you either have to use templates, which are created specifically for this task (yes, that’s how it’s intended here), or you may change the code.

[Since the days of StarOffice 4.0 I wasn’t happy with default line style and area color (mainly in drawings). Therefore I can well understand the request. Nowadays the user can set his personal default template per document class. So I don’t see any longer the problem concerning Draw. But Writer and Calc still don’t support shape styles.]

Now OT: About non-Draw documents
Suppose @JMÖ won’t change the code, and -like myself- may even not feel capable of doing so.
The concept of LibO might, however, start to allow for a level of “user-defaults” in addition to “default-defaults”. This might not be as complicated as it seems at a first glance. The “user-defaults” -taken from the profile- could replace the hard coded defaults when opening the application like existing registrymodifications
Better: Harmonize the treatment of shapes across document classes.
This may conflict with current ODF specifications for Writer and Draw, of course.