use a button from a form to open a new form at a specific record

I have a form with the general view of each athlete and a I need a button to view the biography of that athlete in a new form.
I made a simple macro that opens the right form, but it open’s it always on the first record.


My answer in this post → Base macro that opens a new/clean record in another form contains, in the edited section of the answer, a base sample: PassFormDataWithNoGlobal.odb

That sample contains macros passing data to either open a specific record or a new record. This code is also presented using a global variable to get the result or without this global variable.

I have already tried your example and the 3 macros but nothing worked. In the example the button Get Details opens always the new form at the first record. The button Get New record return an runtime error (Type:


Your comment is not quite clear. Are you having this problem with the sample posted or using the code itself?

Have just downloaded from that post Sample - PassFormDataWithNoGlobal.odb and re-tested. All works fine. Using form Customers will give selected results for the following selected ID’s - 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 & 133. In Using CustomersNoGlobal an additional message is generated if there is no detail record.


There is a different sample in my answer here → Base Macro - Click on Table Row to Open Record. On form CustomersGrid, clicking on any row will open that record in a different form. Clicking on non row in grid will open form with last record opened. New record form is opened when new line clicked.

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