Trying to add columns of numbers in calc using = sum and get either

The question pretty well states my problem and the details.

Well, I don’t understand your “question”. Have you checked the documentation to see exactly how =SUM() actually works? And maybe you should give us a working example of the problem. Please EDIT your question to provide any additional information.

You haven’t written a question or even a complete sentence, “either” what?

Click in the cell below you column, click the Σ, select Sum from the list, check that the numbers you want added are surrounded by the blue line and press Enter. More on Sum function in Help

Obviously my question was too long to be transmited, but I didn’t know that.

I got a reply to use the sigma symbol to add the columns, just lke in Excel, but I cannot find the symbol. Can you tell me where it is located?

P.S. One of my three favorite cities in the world is Queenstown, New Zealand.

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The title is a short reference (limited number of characters) to the subject of the body which contains the actual question. This applies to all written work, e.g. newspapers


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Or with the above picture as a reference, using the keyboard, select cell C7 and type =sum(C2:C6), press Enter. The lowercase sum will turn to uppercase in the Input Bar at the top, the cell C7 will display the result (290).

If you don’t get a result then check that your numbers are numbers and not text. If you click on, for example, cell C2 and it displays in the Input Bar '56 then it is being read as text. Deleting the apostrophe will allow it to be interpreted as a number. Selecting the cells and then clicking Data > Text to Columns should also remove the apostrophes.