Cannot open .pages documents using Windows with LibreOffice

Using Windows 7 64bit
Using LibreOffice
When selecting File / Open, I cannot successfully open a Mac file (XXXXX.pages) document

See this thread: [Solved] How to open files in Mac's pages format (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum, MrProgrammer’s and RoryOF’s posts may help.

@anon87010807 - what should that tell us considering available import filter at File -> Open (may be I misunderstood the answers as no way to open .pages files, which is a correct answer for Apache OpenOffice,iirc)

I'd suggest to explicitly select the import filter when using `File -> Open` (from my experience LibreOffice in rare cases fails to recognize the file type by the file's content and in consequence doesn't apply the correct import filter on opening)

You’re right, I took it for granted that the filter wouldn’t be there. I was wrong.

Anyway, checked bugzilla in the meantime and it might be related to bug tdf#139175 - Import from Apple Pages