Writer inserting images delays typing


With the last version I am facing trouble to using inserted images in Writer documents. When an image is inserted in, for instance, top of a document then typing is delaying, I mean the time between you type and the character appears is one second. The unique way is deleting the image.

Any way to solve it?

Conditions: MacOs 10.15.7

May be related to tdf#138068 - When there are a lot of pictures, typing the text is very slow - and other bugs mentioned therein.

Update: tested with and the delay between typing and appearing the character is much less

Thanks @anon73440385 ,In this case it is only one picture.

Don’t get confused by the title of the bug report - it is common that during analysis phase it turns out a bug report needs to be extended to a broader range of use cases.

Keep the image size to something sensible. Reduce resolution to 240 dpi in an image editor

Home or business printers often advertise very high resolution, 1200 dpi is common. What they mean is they are counting every drop, even when it is mixed. If you divide 1200 by the number of colours (CYMK + white space [no ink] = 5) then you get 240 dpi being the maximum resolution that your printer can actually use, anything beyond that is wasted.

@Earnest AI thanks! I tried what you suggested and you are right! I downsized the image from original 1388 x 255 points to 240 x 44 points and now no more delay is faced typing.

Hmm. Something doesn’t sound right. Resolution of dpi is dots per inch. Resolution is independent of image dimensions.

A point is 1/72 of an inch so that would make your image 3.5 x 0.6 inches (90 x 15 mm), tiny. If your original image is 1388 x 255 pixels, that would normally be absolutely fine. If it causes slow down due to a bug then the only workaround would be to turn off image visibility while you are editing the text, in the menu, View > images and charts to toggle visibility.

Also experiencing this (MacOS LO 7042) Drag and drop image of 300Kb no problems. Use insert image button. Freezes permanently every time.

The original image is 5787x1063 pixels and 1388.88x255.12 points, 19.29x3.54 inches, (according to Preview app), I downsized it to 1000x184 pixels or 240x44.16 points (3.33x0.61 inches)