How do I chart time series in rows?

I have an array of rows and columns which must be read as temporal data:

row 1 is time 1

row 2 is time 2

and so on

data in row 2 are a continuation of data in row 1 and son on

I want to plot the time series in a chart (bar chart is ideal no ?)

On the X axis must be the time 1, time 2 and so on

On the Y axis are the cells of the different rows: row 1 then continue to row2 then continue to row3 and so on

Currently I can plot column1 then colum2 then column3 and so on, which is not at all what I want.

I cannot transpose the array because each column is gotten from a different formula…

I am not entirely clear on what you are wanting to achieve or how your data is structured. You do not mention what each column represents. This in particular is not clear:

On the Y axis are the cells of the different rows: row 1 then continue to row2 then continue to row3 and so on

Did you mean “column A” instead of “row 1” and so on?

The default result (ODS) using a Column chart would seem to give the time series (t1, t2, rows) as groupings on the X-axis and a time measurement on the Y-axis.