How should I write in Hebrew?

It writes from right to left, but places each word on the right side of the previous word instead on the left side. What should I do?

Have you tried looking at the HELP. Search using Hebrew to get you started. There are also several entries using Ask

Any document typed in a language other than the one in effect on your computer must be configured accordingly.

First, LO itself must be made aware ot the script system:

  • Tools>Options, Language Settings>Languages
  • in Default Languages for Documents, enable Complex text layout and select Hebrew

Then, tell Writer the base language of the paragraph.

The best way is to cutomise the used paragraph styles.

If your document is entirely Hebrew, do it on Default Paragraph Style otherwise on Text Body (you use it for your text, don’t you? You didn’t type in Default Paragraph Style which is reserved for setting various defaults for all others). Change the Language in Font tab.

If you alternate paragraphs in whatever language and Hebrew, it is better to duplicate the paragraphs styles, one set for Hebrew, the other set (the built-in one) for the default language of your OS.

The other way is to apply the language attribute manually. I don’t recommend it because it creates a lot of inconveniences when you tune your formatting in the final steps of proof-reading but if you aren’t familiar with styles it allows you to work quick’n’dirty. Language is controlled by Tools>Language>… where you can set it for various ranges.

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In case you need clarification, edit your question (not an answer which is reserved for solutions) or comment the relevant answer. Don’t forget to always mention your OS and LO version.