open documents in page width

I’d like documents to open in page width view as default instead of a certain percentage.

I want libreoffice to override any inherent zoom in documents and always open in ‘page width’ view.

How to achieve it?

Build ID: 1:6.4.6-0ubuntu0.20.04.1

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Writer opens with the last used zoom factor for new documents.

Existing documents open with the used factor in effect when they were last saved.

So set your zoom factor accordingly.

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I received a (ms word) document. When opening, it opens as 100% regardless of my settings in existing or new documents. I take your answer it means the document I’m opening was saved while viewed at 100%. I want Libreoffice to override any existing zoom and always open in ‘page width’ view. Is that not achievable?

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My statement was valid for native documents, i.e. .odt. .doc(x) are foreign formats, thus they can’t save your preferred LO (not M$ Office!) settings.

I am not aware of any way to configure a default zoom factor for foreign formats.

I tested this with .odt documents as well. Writer opens them in the same zoom as they were saved, just as stated in your answer. My question still remains: I want libreoffice to override any inherent zoom in documents and always open in ‘page width’ view. How to achieve it?

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I am not aware of any trick for that.