how to fix spreadsheet

some of the commas have disappeared

Edit1: The comma that was inserted as a decimal point (for example 123,87 is now showing as 12387

Edit2: Hi Leroy, the operating system is Windows 10 and the LibreOffice version is 7.0.

ps. I do not see the paper clip to attach the file. Please advise where I can find it to attach the file

Edit3: Herewith the file with two spreadsheets - one showing the old correct version and the later corrupter version. Please see for example cell B8 in the old correct version and Cell B8 in the later version. The comma that was serving as decimal has disappeared. Similarly for Cell B9. old correct version and new corrupted file.ods

Any suggestions how to get back the missing commas in the later version would be most appreciated.

Edit4: I have used , as the decimal point. If I use . as a decimal point, it is not recognised as a number. The intention of the formula is to multiply cell B5 by zero point zero 8. If you look at another example where there is no formula for example cell C9, the value of 2289,18 has changed to 228 918,00

Edited by LeroyG to join data.

More info needed. There is no way to guess what you want.

Please test with a clean profile Menu/Help/Restart in Safe Mode

Comma as thousand separator?

Edit your question, and use the paper clip to attach a sample file.

Also share operating system and LibreOffice version (see menu Help - About LibreOffice).

The paper clip appears between the image and the numbered list icons; but only when you edit your question.

I see nothing unusual in your “corrupted” spreadsheet: 12878 has been entered as an integer (no decimal digits nor decimal “point”). If I enter a decimal “point” (dot or comma depending on locale), I get a number with a fractional part.

I question your formula in B8: =B5*8+(B5*8*15). It will inevitably compute a large number. Have you forgotten a % operator? Also, why parentheses around (B5*8*15)? Did you intend to divide by some number?

Hi Ajlittoz, if you compare the original worksheet, the formula in cell B8 was input as =B5*0,08+(B5*0,08*0,15). I am not sure why all the decimal points have recently disappeared from the spreadsheet and trying to find out if the spreadsheet can be corrected to have the original decimals re-instated somehow

Edited by LeroyG to add Ctrl+K (AKA: preformated text) to the formula (otherwise asterisk are meant for italics).

=B5*0.08, or =B5*0,08?

Sorry, had typed 05 instead of 08.

Hi All,
Herewith the file with two spreadsheets - one showing the old correct version and the later corrupter version. Please see for example cell B8 in the old correct version and Cell B8 in the later version. The comma that was serving as decimal has disappeared. Similarly for Cell B9.old correct version and new corrupted file.ods

Any suggestions how to get back the missing commas in the later version would be most appreciated.

Do not answer your own question unless it is a real answer. Modify or comment the original one.

@DannyR, Thanks for the new information. As it is not an answer to your question, repost it as a comment. To do that, hover on “more” (just above these comments), and press “repost as a question comment”. Thanks again.

It seem to be a corruption in the user profile. I see both versions well.

Take a look at the guidelines at LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki.

Sorry Leroy, I could not attach the explanatory file to the comments. therefore pasted it in the answer section

You cannot attach files to comments. You need to edit your question, and there use the paper clip.

And tell us what do you do between correct and corrupted versions.