writer : how can I get two views of same document but with different options ?


I would like to open a document in writer in two windows :

  1. In the first window I’d like to show the changes with an old version -edit > track changes > show-

  2. On the other window I would like to see the document changes tracking disabled -edit > track changes > show [untick]-

If I uncheck show changes on the second window it also applies to first window.

As far as I understand you can’t have LibreOffice updating your edits in a second window while at the same time ignoring settings made in the single(!) instance of LibreOffice managing both windows on the second window. In other words: There are no settings “per window” but settings “per LibreOffice instance”.

More exactly, settings are broken into “per LO itself” and “per document”. But this doesn’t change the conclusion.