Writer not responding loading document

Win7, LO,and

I have a large document (330 pages) when it load into writer, I take a significant portion of the CPU and becomes not responsive.

I was using the document until a day ago until today.

Is there a tool that exist to detect any corrupted information and clean up the document ?



I would try to:

  • try to free as much as possible my CPU by stopping all other SW and services running in the back ground
  • try to open the file and split it into 2 tog et manageable file sizes
  • next I would start a master document and connect the broken down elements (chapter?) into this master document.

In general I would not create such large documents without the master file function.
Recommended reading in help file:

  • Create Master Document
  • Working with Master Documents and Subdocuments
  • Master Documents and Subdocuments

I will look into this solution.
