How to calculate tax & subtotal from a total

Hi there.
New to learning Libre…
I would like to have a column for each of the following:



The only number I have is the TOTAL.

Is there functions available in LibreOffice to automatically calculate the TAX(13%) and SUBTOTAL from the TOTAL column?

The end would look like this:


$18.08 $2.08 $16.00

This is apparently not a common question but obviously a calc one. The question does not make sense in Writer, Impress or Draw. So, please retag to replace Common with calc. Press Enter twice to exit retag mode.

The answer to your question is one of elementary math. Is your problem to translate this computation into a Calc formula or simply to write the arithmetic operation?


SUBTOTAL: =ROUND(A1/1.13;2) (assuming A1 contains TOTAL)
TAX: TOTAL-SUBTOTAL or SUBTOTAL*0.13: =A1-C1 or =C1*0.13 (assuming C1 is SUBTOTAL)

See the following sample file: TAXFromTOTAL.ods

Hope that helps.

just a note, be aware that for some values, e.g. 18,12 and 18,21 a new calculation of the VAT based on the ‘reverse-calculated’ net. will be different to the reverse-calculated VAT, as those values couldn’t have evolved from a calculation x times 1,13 round to 2 decimals.
the one or the other tax authority might be ‘astonished’ about such values, afaik germany allows billing totals and reverse VAT calculation, but i don’t know about the rules for the details. but there will be rules, it’s germany …