Format page background color but keep white to pdf?


In writer when I open a new document the pages are black and the text is white. When I save to pdf the pages are white and the text is black. Fine and good. But I would like to change from a black background to a lighter blue. When I choose Format > Page Style and change the Color to light blue then save a pdf the pdf is light blue and not white.

Why does black page and white text save as white page black text, but light blue page and black text save as light blue page and black text??

How can I make the change I need to make?


Black page with white text work because no page style is modified: the page styles are “standard” configuration with white background and black text.

What you see is the result of “theming” the application operation without impact on save and export.

To set different colours, go to Tools>Options (under MacOS use the Preferences menu), LibreOffice>Application Colors. The so-called page background is Document background + Application background.

If you want to play with application appearance, you can change many aspects of the UI with the settings there.

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