how to enter subscript figures

How are subscript figures entered. Can they be done on all Libre version

Ctrl+Shift+B (in Edit mode)?, Can you share a sample of what do you want to achieve?

Adding to @JohnSUN comment (detailed in @Astur answer):

To use the Unicode symbols: type U+2080 (for ₀) through U+2089 (for ₉). You must press Alt+X when the cursor is at the right of the code.

See Unicode chart for Superscripts and Subscripts symbols.

Also can use the X₂ button in the Properties section of the Sidebar (Ctrl+F5).


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See sample file.

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The solution given by Astur worked ; but I found that the subscript had to be entered in the cell adjoining the cell containing the main figure. I am grateful to Astur., Please, copy your “answer”, edit your question, and paste it there. Then delete your answer, because it doesn’t solve your question. Thanks.