LO Writer: Table broken across 2 pages

I created a resume in Writer with an inserted table. I saved it as .docx for the person so they could open it in their ms word processor. Now when I open it in LO Writer the 1st row of the table is on page 1 but for some reason the 2nd row of the table is pushed down to page 2.

Please see attached document
Resume 2021 - blue.docx

Text in column 1 is styled Heading 1 which has Keep with next paragraph enabled in its Text Flow tab.

I don’t know exactly the effect of this attribute in tables where cells contain a single paragraph, but erasing it solves the issue.

PS: Word is supposed to be able to read .odt.

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I went into column 1 and uncheck the “Keep with next paragraph” check box and it did not fix it.

You must uncheck it in the Header 1 style definition.

I also noted your file is plagued with direct formatting (this is a consequence of saving .docx because this format does not know about character styles). Temporary selecting text in the table and Ctrl+M should remove any overriding formatting. If it solves, cancel and proceed then progressively to find the offending item.