Cannot have a reference in recursive expresion greater than 9


I have been trying to parse the output of the lightning calendar using libre office calc. I have a cell with the following content:

and I have to make it look like this
22-May-2012 13:00:00

so I used search and replace with recursive expressions selected and wrote
$1$2$3$4/$5$6/$7$8 $9$10:$11$12:$13$14

And I get
2012/05/22 120:20:2122:2324

so I try the obvious choices of grouping the 1? with parenthesis, braces and brakets but I get
2012/05/22 1$(10):$[11]${12}:$(13)$[14]

Is there any way to pass references higher than 9? (I would assume so)

Try with:

search: (…)(…)(…)T(…)(…)(…)

replace: $3/$2/$1 $4:$5:$6


$1/$2/$3 $5:$6:$7