I am using Calc (x64) Windows version of Libre Office. I have a .XLSX file (Excel 2007-365 format) that I created using Libre Office from scratch (not imported from Excel or anything).
I have created a simple pivot table in the below format.
Month Sales % of Sales
Jan 10 20%
Feb 15 30%
Mar 25 50%
Total 50 100%
The 2nd and 3rd column in the above table both are sourced from a single column called Sales.
The 2nd column has “Sum” function.
The 3rd column also has “Sum” function applied, but in the displayed value I have chosen type as “% of Total”.
The problem is that the "% of Total" type in the Displayed Value setting doesn’t persist forever.
When I save the spreadsheet, close and again reopen it, the “% of Total” setting is gone.
It reverts back to just normal “Sum” settings only. So both the columns above just show the “Sum” only.
When I close and reopen it, it shows like below.
Month Sales % of Sales
Jan 10 10
Feb 15 15
Mar 25 25
Total 50 50
Can you please help fix this issue. I have had this issue through version 6 and version 7 so far.
I keep upgrading to latest versions hoping that this would be fixed and it hasn’t been so far.