Calc Pivot Table % of Total Display Value Setting not getting saved


I am using Calc (x64) Windows version of Libre Office. I have a .XLSX file (Excel 2007-365 format) that I created using Libre Office from scratch (not imported from Excel or anything).

I have created a simple pivot table in the below format.

Month   Sales     % of Sales

Jan        10           20%

Feb        15           30%

Mar        25           50%

Total      50          100%

The 2nd and 3rd column in the above table both are sourced from a single column called Sales.
The 2nd column has “Sum” function.
The 3rd column also has “Sum” function applied, but in the displayed value I have chosen type as “% of Total”.

The problem is that the "% of Total" type in the Displayed Value setting doesn’t persist forever.
When I save the spreadsheet, close and again reopen it, the “% of Total” setting is gone.
It reverts back to just normal “Sum” settings only. So both the columns above just show the “Sum” only.
When I close and reopen it, it shows like below.

Month   Sales     % of Sales

Jan        10           10

Feb        15           15

Mar        25           25

Total      50           50

Can you please help fix this issue. I have had this issue through version 6 and version 7 so far.
I keep upgrading to latest versions hoping that this would be fixed and it hasn’t been so far.


Did you perform the same thing using .ods file format and does the same thing happen?

> I keep upgrading to latest versions hoping that this would be fixed and it hasn't been so far.

Nothing gets fixed, if a problem is not reported at Bugzilla

Hi Opaque

I tried it using .ods file format and it works as expected (the setting is retained upon closing and reopening).
But I would like to get it fixed for .xlsx version. Please advise me how to log it in Bugzilla.

Everything you need to know is in this How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - But be aware to not create a duplicate, which is pretty likely, since there are a lot of bugs / enhancement requests. Try a search for “pivot xlsx” first and you get plenty of bugs already reported and in state NEW.

Hi Opaque

I have raised a bug tdf#141410 for this. Thanks for your guidance.

Hi Opaque

I did search Pivot XLSX in the BugZilla and didn’t find this exact problem that I am facing anywhere in existing bugs. Only then I opened a brand new one. Thanks again.