Select price from cell where item is matching price description


I’m very new to using LibreOffice for not talking about ubuntu in general, and are having issues figureing out how do work it.

I’m runnign a very simple shop at my school (bording school) and trying to set up a spreadsheet to view the earnings. Here’s a picture of my setup:
image description

What i would like to do is that when i write what is is in the “A” (A = Items) colum, it should go lookup in the list in F and put the price next to it in C timed with B. The only way I know to do this would be with a very long IF statement, but I’m sure there is a much easier and more efficient way…

Hi. You want to use the VLOOKUP function to get your price from the product list and place it in column C. I have attached a sample file that does this. I have also used Data Validity to produce a drop-down menu in column A so you can select the item sold instead of retyping it each time.
Click the following link to download the file. shop.ods

Thank you, exactly what i was looking for!