Curly quotes do not work even when correctly set in auto text

Windows 10.
Writer latest version.
The Asci code is correct in the auto text.

You need to make sure that the language in AutoCorrect options is the same as your document language. It tends to default to operating system language I think, but possibly locale language.

Well, I’m not sure it is needed. The drop-down list of the localized options is always greyed out. That should be changed IMHO.

It is true that the language set for Locale settings option will appear in that field. However, the AutoCorrect works depending on the language set in the document, be it the one for the locale or not. My locale is French but if my text is in English, I get the English quotes, not the French ones.

For the record: Bug 104798 - Autocorrect cannot be set to two (or more) languages in one document (Options and Localized options). I’ve added a comment.

Thanks Earnest and Hagar.
I have set the language and keyboard to US English.
Still have the problem.
I copied my text with the quotes from Writer to show you here, and lo it came out correct!
Is this something about the way I have Writer set up for documents or pages?

Very weird. Can you upload a sample file? See How do I attach a file?

Make sure that the language of the text in the document (to be checked in the character properties to make sure there is no direct formatting applied) is set to one for which the default should be curly quotes. For example if the text is set to [None], then it won’t change the quotes.

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Good grief. I was having a frustrating time. Then I changed the font in the whole document - and everything worked as it should. I have now set all my defaults to Times New Roman, and it is all good. Thank you for the clues you gave.
regards to all