Insert a Table within a Rectangle


I would like to insert a Table within a Rectangle in my Libre-office Writer. When I try to do insert a Table after drawing a Rectangle, I see the Table menu is greyed out. Can you please help to understand how to insert a table within a Rectangle?

Many thanks for your help.

Why do you want to do that? If you want a table with a border, you can add a border to the table. If you want to have the table anywhere on a page, you can insert it in a frame. Draw objects don’t support complex things like tables.

I think, in a typical table, there is a limitation. For example, let say my table has 2 main columns. Then in the first column, I want to have 3 rows with varying heights and for the second column, I want to have 7 rows with varying heights. I can’t do this with a table. So I wanted to created several Rectangles and place them accordingly in my Writer document. But problem is that, within a Rectangle, I can’t style texts fully, for example, I can’t have Bullets and numberings within a Rectangle. So I thought, inside a Rectangle, I should put a 1X1 table and add and style texts as I want. Let me know if further clarification required.

Please upload a sample file with that table structure. You know, people come here because they have a problem, and they think they have a solution, but don’t know how to implement it. So they ask for help implementing their solution, instead of telling what their problem is so that the people here can offer solutions that work. Doesn’t work.

You can easily make a table with two columns, and seven rows, then merge cells in the first column to get three rows.

By the way, what you call a rectangle is called a text box in LibreOffice jargon.

Create a two column table. In the first column insert a three row table, and in the second column a seven row table.

If do you need borders, set outer border and all inner lines for the “grand” table (while cursor is in the “grand” table but out of the internal tables), and only horizontal inner lines for each internal table.

See sample file.

Made with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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If the base line of the rows in the second column never match the ones in the first column then you will need two tables side-by-side. As you are going to pretend they are the same table you want them grouped in a frame.

Click Insert > Frame > Frame Interactively and draw a frame big enough to take both tables.

Select the frame by the edge, right-click and select Properties, select the tab labelled Columns and choose 2 columns, OK.

Click elsewhere to deselect the frame. Click inside the frame and create your first table with row heights as you want.

Click below the first table (within the frame) the in the main menu, click Insert > More Breaks > Insert Column Break (or Ctrl+Shift+Enter). Create your second table in the second column with row heights as you want.

Adjust borders as required.
