During upate of ver (x64)

During update of Ver (x64) I lost ALL of my files and data. Does anybody know if I can retrieve them or not, and is this common?
It has been disastrous to me as I have lost two very important databases and encrypted personal files. The databases can be rewritten but the personal files are gone forever.
Lost my trust completely in Libre Office; very bad.

I assume that this is not the case.

There are two possibilities that are much closer.

  1. you have lost the list of recently used files in the start screen of LibreOffice.

  2. you may be using Windows and the file association is no longer correct.

Use your file manager and look in the place where you saved your files.

Provide information about your operating system,

Try to open some of your recent files list in the LO start center. It should at least demonstrate that your files are still there.


Try to open some of your recent files list in the LO start center.

It seems to be the problem recent files list in the LO start center being empty, which makes OP falsely assume “I lost ALL of my files and data”. The advice should be:

  • Use menu File -> Open
  • Use a file manager to find your files. Probably OP is on Windows so i.e.: Use File Explorer (aka: Windows Explorer)
  • Check Windows file associations

The folder and subfolders were deleted from the drive. I do know how to search my drives correcty, there isn’t a trace anywhere on any of my drives, just gone.
At the time that it happened LO came up with an error msge and crashed. Win10 Home, any help?

The folder and subfolders were deleted from the drive

… by the LibreOffice update procedure? The only way this to happen would be you saved your files into the installation directory of the software. Otherwise: I don’t believe that.

The folders that are lost were written on a separate drive reserved for data only. I have checked the drive thoroughly; there is no trace at all, I am not mistaken I have been using a PC for 26 years.

I do not say you are telling lies. Of course I believe you, that the files are not were you expect 'em to be. I’m saying, that I don’t believe that it was caused by the update procedure of LibreOffice. I could even imagine that a single file got completely corrupted by a LibreOffice crash - but I don’t believe other files or even directories got deleted by that. Have you executed a filesystem check on your “separate drive” ?

It will not happen again, I will make sure that I have copied all the relevant data on a removable drive on future updates.

Yes I have.no trace. P.S. my PC crashed and I had to reboot. Any help?

P.S. my PC crashed

Do you have a Kyocera printer?

If you have OneDrive at all, check in its online recycle bin. It is prone to expanding its range and to deleting files and folders unexpectedly. If it deleted an open file while LO was working on it, I would expect LO to crash.

This article might help, OneDrive Automatically deleting files or search for OneDrive deleting files

I do not usually use One Drive as I much prefer not to have files stored on servers, but thanks for the info I will certainly check it out.
As I normally don’t use OneDrive I didn’t give it a thought.
Many thanks again.
P.S. Why should a Kyocera printer matter whith the problem I had, and no I don’t have one.

P.S. Why should a Kyocera printer matter whith the problem I had,

You told about a PC crash - and due to an Windows update error on 9th of March 2021 (Windows fix pack KB5000802), Windows crashed on opening LibreOffice document(s) in combination with Kyocera printers. That’s why I was asking (search this site for questions related to this issue) and somtimes to find a root cause for a problem, one needs to investigate in several directions.

> Opaque: I do not usually use One Drive as

Please read carefully. It wasn’t me, telling anything about OneDrive. It was a comment from @EarnestAl

Opaque: Sorry I wasn’t looking properly. Thanks , over and out.