Missing version information in language packs

Deploying and updating the macOS versions of language packs in a managed environment is a pain in the butt, mostly because the installed packages do not contain useful version information and they do not leave behind a proper pkg receipt. Therefor there is no easy way to check which version might already be installed and whether an update is required.

While also distributing LibreOffice as a macOS installer pkg would be ideal, proper version information in the Info.plist that could be queried by a script should work well enough.

Right now the Info.plist of “LibreOffice Language Pack.app” contains a CFBundleShortVersionString = 9 instead of (as the LibreOffice.app does) regardless of the actual version.

This could be easily fixed, please do so and thank you.

Nobody here can do it

Try Bugzilla, where bugs and change requests are entered. Thank you.