Crash Report problems

Use Libre office version on Dell AIO 3459 Windows 10 home 64-bit system – severe problems of the Crash report for the last three weeks – follow restart in Safe mode and load all the required files - When Libre office is reopened, the crash report appears – sent the crash reports several times – have to restart in Safe mode to continue the work. Shall I reinstall the Libre Office version or remove and install Libre Office 7.0.5 available version? Kindly advise.

First try to reset your LibreOffice user profile (rename it).

If crashes still occur, then there may be a problem with your files. If not, then either keep your version or upgrade to 7.0.5. Never used the 6.3 so can’t say if there is a major benefit to upgrade (except that having a more up to date version is wiser security point of view). Beware that 7.1 is too fresh yet IMHO.

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