I mistakenly pressed a key or keys, and now all my text is in bold. When I click on the bold icon, it doesn't go away. How can I fix this? Thank you!

How can I get out of bold when I didn’t click on the bold icon and clicking on it doesn’t make it go away? Is there an online or print handbook explaining these somewhat basic things? Thank you.

If you select the text and press the Bold icon and the text remains bold then it wasn’t the Bold icon that you clicked.

What does the Font box say? Some fonts, such as Open Sans Condensed are already bold. To fix, select your text and change to a non-bold font. You could instead select your text and press Ctrl+M to remove all formatting that is not part of the text style

The Help menu is useful but the Writer Guide has more structured information. Read about Styles too. Cheers, Al

Text seems to be bold in some fonts when the zoom is at 110%. Set the zoom to 100%.

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