Basic: get SheetCell's name

I write LibreOffice Basic function to search a cell satisfying specific conditions. As a result of the search I get an object cell of type cell.ImplementationName = ScCellObj. How do I convert that to a human readable string (e.g. "$mysheet.AX927") which can be used in formulas?

Surely, I can write my own function

Sub GetCellAddressString(cell as object) as string
  dim cell_address
  dim sheet_str
  dim column_str
  dim row_str
  cell_address = cell.getCellAddress()
  sheet_str = MaybeQuoteSheetName(cell.getSpreadsheet().getName())
  column_str = ComputeColumnName(cell_address.Column)
  row_str = Format(cell_address.Row + 1, "#")
  GetCellAddressString = "$" & sheet_str & "." & column_str & row_str
End Sub

And write MaybeQuoteSheetName and ComputeColumnName, but there should be a simpler (build-in) way to get cell and column names, right?


 function GetCellAddressString(cell as object) as string
    GetCellAddressString = cell.AbsoluteName
 End function

simple enough?

but it seems is a xy-problem, please ask about the initial problem.

Yes, thank you! I wonder whether there is an easy way to find these property names I could employ myself instead of asking this question… I see it is actually documented on LibreOffice’s SheetCell Service Reference page.

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