Soffice.bin stuck when convert file to pdf

I meet a problem when i try to convert a specific file ( file that contains .odttf font) and that the command line to convert is executed from a Window Service.

when i launch the service in a console the convertion works , but if i launch the convertion from a service Windows with a c# Process “soffice.exe --headless --convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export --outdir d:\xxx xxx.pdf”, soffice.bin freeze and the process cannot be kill ( access denied) i need to restart the server( i tried taskkill, powershell, ProcessExplorer nothing works).

if I remove the odttf from the docx, the problem disappears

PS : i tried to use via the API CLI and some problems

Thx for your Help.

OS : Windows Server 2016 v1607
LO : LibreOffice

Hard to tell without an repro document and procedure. E.g., this runs fine here on Windows 10:

PsExec64.exe -s path\to\soffice --convert-to pdf --outdir path\to\outdir path\to\loremODTTF.docx

with the loremODTTF.docx being a sample DOCX created in LibreOffice with embedded fonts (it has 17 ODTTF files inside).

Maybe related: why do you use soffice.exe to run a console application? There is (since LO 6.3) for that.

i need to restart the server( i tried taskkill, powershell, ProcessExplorer nothing works)

You need to run taskkill or similar tools using an admin session (e.g., run cmd.exe as admin).

Hello, thx for the response.

i have not problem when i used the same service on Windows 10, only on Windows Server 2016

and yes i run Taskkill with admin account.

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Hello @GVN,

I wanted to ask if your were able to find any solution to your problem. I do have the same issue currently with some docx files and I am searching for ways to solve this.

Thanks in advance for the reply.
