How do I line up body text over left and right hand pages when there are pictures inserted?

Spread pages body text line up

Please edit the question details to describe what you presently do. Images are inserted in frames which have several anchor and wrap modes. Paragraph attributes may also play a role. This remark targets formatting within a single page.

Is your question about sync’ing text across facing pages? i.e. picture on left page and text/caption on right page? Or do you want to leave blank the space corresponding to a picture on the other page?

Give maximum information helping to understand your goal. Don’t forget to mention our OS and LO version.

Thank you for responding.I am putting together a book. As you read it, the text on the spread pages (left and right hand pages) need to line up with each other. If text the left hand page sits higher than text on the right hand page, it looks odd. This happens where I insert pictures or chapter headings with a different font size into the text. These items adjust the depth of the body copy, which flows underneath, so that it no longer lines up with the adjacent page.

What you are looking for is probably what is called in typography “registration”.

In Writer, there is such an attribute in page style definition. It was called “register true” prior to 7.1 release and is now called Use page line-spacing.

After enabling this attribute, you must designate a reference style with the drop down menu of the same name. This paragraph style defines a vertical grid for lines of text.

I have not used frequently this feature, so you’ll have to experiment to find the “best” reference style.

Success in alignment requires the use of styles. If you are not familiar with them, read the related chapters in the Writer guide.

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Thank you very much! This is great.

It works great, thanks!

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