Punctuation with Japanese keyboard (Anthy)


On my linux desktop (Fedora 34), I am using the Japanese keyboard (Anthy and Kana Kanji) for entering Japanese text. This works fine but I have one question on entering punctuation.

Japanese has punctuation-signs which are not existing in English or Dutch. For some symbols I found a Unicode or keyboard shortcut but for other signs, I don’t know how to enter them when using a regular QWERTY-keyboard.

• Lenticular brackets 【 】– sumitsuki kakko.
• Quatotion marks 「 」 – kagi kakko
• Double quatotion marks 『 』, 〝 〟– niju kagi kakko
• Komma , – toten (U+FF0C)
• Ellipsis … – santen riidaa (U+2026)
• Full stop 。 – kuten (U+3002)
• Wave dash ~ – namigata (U+301C)
• Interpunct ・– nakaguro
• Part alternation mark 〽 –ioriten (U+303D)

How can I enter these symbols with a qwerty-keyboard?


When you know the Unicode encoding, just type U+1234 (e.g. U+2026 for santen riidaa) followed by Alt+X. If there no risk of ambiguity, you can omit U+.

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I searched on Code Charts but didn’ t find unicodes for some of the signs (when found, I added them). Are there other sites where I can search for unicodes?
When using the Anthy or Kana Kanji keyboard, I can enter the kagi kakko by typing brackets so my guess was that keyboard combinations for the other signs would also exist. I searched but didn’t find anything.

This is off-topic here as the site is about questions and answers about LibreOffice. Ask in a forum dedicated to Anthy (for example, it is strange that you can’t input an ideographic full stop or comma, I have no problem with ibus). In LibreOffice, you can, of course, use the character insert dialog (Insert → Special character from the menu), but it is not a viable solution for frequent writing.

Or type in respective hexadecimal codes (you already know them, as I see) and hit Alt + x to convert to characters. And if you don’t know the code, put the cursor next to the character and hit the same Alt + x to reveal it.

P. S. An ellipsis can be entered by Compose . ., when the compose key is enabled/defined in the DE settings.

The answer proved to be very simple for those punctuations that resembles a bracket.
With the Anthy-keuboard enabled, just type a bracket and then hit the spacebar. This produces a dropdown with all the variants.