Libre Office fails to open

I have been running libre for some time now without problem. Recently I couldn’t access anything but a computer re-start appeared to solve the problem. Unfortunately I now cannot gain access again. i decided to try a reset and used “%ProgramFiles%\LibreOffice\program\soffice” via the satart menu. Whilst that worked all I got was a black blank box without any sign of the word help.
Has anyone any idea how I might proceed to reset my profile?

Try "%ProgramFiles%\LibreOffice\program\soffice" --safe-mode (If that doesn’t work either, your user profile probably is not the cause of your problem and you might want to turn your attention to Windows security settings).

Thank you. Sorry in my message I missed off the last part (–safe-mode) that i had input. I have tried again and unfortunately I still get the same result … a black blank box with a heading C:\Program Files\libreOffice\program\
Any other ideas how I may progress this issue.
Many thanks

  • Open Windows File Explorer (aka Windows Explorer)
  • Enter %appdata%\LibreOffice\ into address bar (you should see a directory name 4)
  • Delete the directory 4 (or rename to 4.backup)
  • Try to start LibreOffice

If that doesn’t work

  • Uninstall LibreOffice
  • Install LibreOffice

(and assure you have not proper Windows Security settings to run soffice.bin)

Some anti virus will not allow programs to run that aren’t on their default list. To run therm the program has to be added to a whitelist or Allowed list. Look in the settings of your anti virus; you need to add soffice.bin to the Allowed list.

Very many thanks, that solved it. Within the folder 4 was a locked file and this might have been causing the problem perhaps. It may be worth re-installing LibreOffice if i get a repeat issue as maybe the file closure process is not working correctly - what do you think? Thanks again for your help. Kind regards. Neil

Within the folder 4 was a locked file and this might have been causing the problem perhaps

… generally “yes” your are right, but there should have been a warning (Either another instance of LibreOffice is accessing your personal settings or your personal settings are locked…), if there was a .lock file there. So this sounds inconsistent.

> It may be worth re-installing LibreOffice if i get a repeat issue as maybe the file closure process is not working correctly - what do you think?

It’s not worth to do so - %appdata%\LibreOffice\4 is your personal LibreOffice User Profile, which won’t be touched by reinstalling LibreOffice (Installing LibreOffice changes system files but not user files).

More efficient (from my perspective): If you are heavily customizing LibreOffice, it might be a good idea to backup your (working) LibreOffice user profile on a regular basis so you can easily restore in case of a problem.

Thanks for that. I am only a simple user of LibreOffice and access calc and writer about once/twice per week to update various files (I’m not sure what you mean by 'heavily customizing LibreOffice)
To create a backup do you mean change the name of directory 4 to say … 4.goodbackup16 May2021 and let the system generate a new directory 4. Can’t see how to add a file to the directory if I held the backup somewhere else on my PC. Hope this makes sense but my knowledge of computers is fairly limited.