How to get file properties via python macro?

Main Menu File>Properties…

Tab Description> Title


Tab Custom Properties

I need to pass this information to python variables



    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    docproperties = doc.DocumentProperties
    mytitle = docproperties.Title

Thanks, this work:

test_title = ODOC.getDocumentProperties().Title
print(test_title , '\n')

use mri

To get to Custom Properties you need to call getUserDefinedProperties. From there you can get or set properties:

    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    docproperties = doc.DocumentProperties
    udp = docproperties.getUserDefinedProperties()
    myprop1 = udp.MyProp1  # get property
    udp.MyProp2 = myprop2  # set property that already exists
    udp.addProperty('MyProp3', 0, 'Hello, World') # make new string property
                                                  # 0 string  1 DateTime  2 Date  3 Duration 4 number 5 boolean
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