[SOLVED] screen and print color

I’ve set my background screen color gray (using dark theme), but when I want to print the document, I have to change it back to white background, is there a setup that I can do to have a document on screen one color and when printing, will always print with white background?

How do you set the dark theme? Maybe you set a color to the default page style Area.

Maybe related to your other question.

To set a (non printable) document background color, choose Tools - Options… - LibreOffice - Application Colors.

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Background colour is a property of page style. Whenever you change a page style, this is forwarded to the printer. To get only a screen change, customize only the application behaviour.

@LeroyG: make your comment an answer.

Thanks so much for LeroyG and ajlittoz, with Linux, you always learn something new.

@michaelbr: this is not Linux-specific. It is Writer feature for page style and general LO settings for UI color.

To set a (non printable) Document background color, choose Tools - Options… - LibreOffice - Application Colors.

More LibreOffice Help on Application Colors.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86/x64); OS: Windows 6.1/10.0.

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