How to make a selection: X AND (Y OR Z) with the query wizard?

There is a Base with 2 tables. Table1 has a Boolean field X. Table2 has two Boolean fields Y and Z. The tables have a relation between other variables in the tables.

I think two condition rows, one with X and Y, and another with X and Z.
Or switch design view off and edit the SQL of the query.

Could be. But first my basic question: How to put in the query for Table1 and Table2 the selection: X AND Y?
I can’t find how to handle logical operators in the wizard.

Your question is not clear. Generally, you would need to make a QUERY using a JOIN of your two tables if you want to get a data from both tables in your RESULTS SET. See here for more info on JOINS. It might be easier to learn to use SQL than rely on the query wizard.

The tables have a relation between other variables in the tables.

NOTE: The rows of your two tables must have an ID number in common (i.e. primary & foreign key pairing) in order to do the join.

I found the solution.
First I have edit in SQL the criterion X AND (Y OR Z) and after that I looked to the wizard. It shows:

Field X Y Z
Criterion 1 1
or 1 1

Thank you for your advice to use SQL.

Now I understand how the wizard works

Must be:




Hopefully better to read.