How to ensure the comma links with math equation object?


I would like to use libreoffice writer for my thesis writing. I found that the comma does not really link with the mathematical equation that I create.

For example, let say I have a sentence “this is an equation [y=mx+c], and so so.”, where [y=mx+c] is the formula that I created inside the libreoffice writer.

So, let say I try to add many spaces (or many words) at the front, to a point, the “[y=mx+c],” will be separated to “[y=mx+c]” and “,” (the formula and comma become two objects), and the “comma” appear at the next line.

May I know if there is any method to make sure the formula and the comma link together?

I have tried this with libreoffice 4.0 and 4.2 and they give me the same error.

Any idea how to solve this?

Thank you.

That is a known problem, see and Entering a non-breaking space between Math object and comma does not solve the problem. I work around it, by putting the comma as text inside the Math object.

@Regina - Thanks for pointing to these unfortunate bugs, but they helped me to understand the situation.

Putting the comma inside the math object is the only workaround. I guess.

I don’ t really understand what you want to achieve with the “comma link” but I would always have a formula or equation in separate line and with a center alignments.