Where on this website can I set up Libre Office in Windows 7 computer?

I just downloaded Libre. Where do I go to setup Libre?

Where on this website can I set up Libre Office in Windows 7 computer?

You can’t do it “on this website” - you need to do it on your Windows 7 operating system.

> I just downloaded Libre. Where do I go to setup Libre?

As with all downloaded installation files of any software product: Double click the downloaded file and installation program should start. So nothing special to LibreOffice here.


Find LibreOffice.msi in your Download user path on your computer. Double click on it. It starts installation process (you should have admin’s rights!)

Thanks for the information. I figured out the answer on Sunday Evening.

However, how can I import inactive documents from Word 2013? Is this possible? Right now I have inactive Word, Excel, and Powerpoint documents/files. Can I import them?



Open one of the LibreOffice programs, then click File > Open, navigate to your files and select the one you want and click Open. Done

If you want to open a file by double-clicking in File Explorer then you need to associate a file type with a LibreOffice program.
One way is to select a file, for example a .doc file, right-click, choose Open With > Choose default program. A new dialog will open, with a bit of luck you will see the LibreOffice program listed, select it, tick the box that says Always use the selected program to open this kind of file, then click Open.


Thanks. I downloaded Libre.

I want to know the following:

Can I import inactive Word Suite 2013 documents into Libre? I have inactive and inaccessible Excel, Power Point and Word. I took a round about route to import some Word 2013 documents one at a time… I have a few Excel documents with a lot of information/data and I have extensive Power Point slide presentations. It would take me a lifetime to export one at a time.


Thanks. I downloaded Libre.

I want to know the following:

Can I import inactive Word Suite 2013 documents into Libre? I have inactive and inaccessible Excel, Power Point and Word. I took a round about route to import some Word 2013 documents one at a time… I have a few Excel documents with a lot of information/data and I have extensive Power Point slide presentations. It would take me a lifetime to export one at a time.

Thanks for any information.

Probably Yes. As long as the documents are reachable somewhere and not hidden in some cloud that can’t be accessed.

You don’t need to do anything if LibreOffice can open your files.
Sometimes on complex files the import filter struggles, this can be due to incompatibilities in the file structure. In that case some manual work is required to recreate the appearance.
Or do you mean that you have files on OneDrive that you need to download to your computer? LibreOffice is not a file storage facility, there is no cloud attached. Download your files to your computer using a file manager or OneDrive.