Does L.O. include a publishing program, similar to Microsoft Publisher?

Looking for an O.S. office program that includes Publishing on the desktop, not for presentation. To create documents, as I do in MS Publisher, with all the features included in Publisher. Adobe Acrobat, although you can create documents, it doesn’t have the functionality and graphic capabilities of Publisher. So I’m looking for office s/w that includes a full publishing program.

LO does not have a publishing program. For some uses LibreOffice Draw will do, it will even open Publisher files. Draw will be fine for everything which does not require CMYK colors (if you don’t know what CMYK means, you will likely be just fine). That would be:

  • black and white works;
  • when the only output is to desktop printer
  • or the very narrow case when you have colored work with no black text and very understanding and freeminded prepress house.

For professional use, Scribus would be the best open source publishing program, supporting CMYK colors and having superb PDF output. It is not part of LO. Learning to use it takes some time and dedication. But you can get professional results from it and I can confirm that it can be used for serious work. If Scribus fits your needs depends a lot on what you are trying to achieve and how much time you do have.

Edit: thanks to @oweng and @Pedro1, changed accordingly.

@mahfiaz, well done recommending an excellent OpenSource alternative. Nevertheless it would be better to start your answer with a direct answer to the question: No, LO does not include a publishing program.

It is also worth noting that since v4.0 Draw can open PUB files.

If your’e really looking for a top-notch Publisher alternative for OS, then I’d recommend Ludicpress. The nice thing is that it’s web-based, so you can use it anywhere. It’s easy to use, and it can produce professional quality documents. (link removed, else would need to treat as spam)