How do I set a custom page number on a second document's first page for combining the documents?

How can I insert a higher pagenumber on the first page?

I have 2 documents which are to be combined into one later. My second document should start at page 53. How to do that?

Format → Paragraph → Text Flow → Breaks → Enable Insert/With page style and Pagenumber 53, gives me the same number on all the pages. My pagenumbering is in the footer.

Format → Paragraph → Text Flow → Breaks → Enable Insert/With page style and Pagenumber 53, gives me the same number on all the pages.

The reason all pages are receiving the same page number is likely because all your paragraphs are using the same style. Set the first paragraph to use a different (custom) paragraph style (e.g., Text Body initial) and then modify this paragraph style to have the setting you indicate. The Styles and Formatting panel can be found in the sidebar or obtained via F11.

Does the style, which is used for the first paragraph, has set “auto update”. Otherwise the page break setting should have been applied only to the first paragraph. Please make sure, that page break and page number is not set in the paragraph style but directly on the first paragraph.