How to change links in footnotes into hyperlinks

Hi there,

I have a gazillion footnotes, most of which contain a non clickable link. Is there an easy way to change a link into an hyperlink?
I have alt. Search and Replace, but I cannot find a way of doing it…

I have read this:

and tried to apply it in reverse (selecting all footnotes using Alt. Search and Replace, but it is not working. URL recognition in autocorrect is selected already.

Thanks :slight_smile:

If the Alternate Search and Replace extension supports regular expression capture groups, then it should be possible to trigger URL recognition by inserting a space after each URL. Something like search for: (http://[^ ]*) and replace with: \1 i.e., backslash one followed by a space. Capture groups do not appear to be supported in the LO-provided Search / Replace facility.

that regex won’t work (starting that you have to replace with $1, but that isn’t all!)

The replace bit didn’t work, or perhaps I should say I could not make it work…
Anyway, I didn’t realize that it was enough to add a space at the end of the link, so I did that manually… That took me only a few ins, and less than it would have taken me to learn how to use regualr expressions :smiley: