New page style resets prior pages

With libreoffice-writer-, I’m trying to write a simple business letter:

first page : header company logo
footer contact info

next pages : header addressee and date
footer none

appendix : no header
no footer

So I’ve modified the “first page” style for headers and footers. Set Next style as “default style”

Modified default style for headers, Next style is default style.

next created page style “appendix”, no headers or footers. Set next style as “appendix”

I write the 3-4 page letter. Get to signatures, and insert a manual page break. On the new page I double click appendix page style.

That changes the page style for ALL the pages to “appendix”.

What am I doing wrong?


When inserting a page break you can choose which style you want to apply. In your case, restore the first two styles and write your letter. When you’re finished with, go insert, manual break, page break and choose “appendix” as next style.

Most excellent. Thanks for the prompt help.