Find if text is in the cell

I have certain text in cells in the column A and I have to write formula to column B which would write YES if text in column A has “ing” and NO if the text in column A does not containt it.

Please, I tried:

error(value(find(“ing”, a2))) and it writes out TRUE if text in column A does not containt “ing” and FALSE if it does.

But, instead of TRUE I wish it to write “NO” and instead of FALSE to write “YES”.
I tried: if(error(value(find(“ing”, a2)))=“TRUE”;“NO”;“YES”), but I just get error 509.

Please, any ideas for help?

many thanks!

A tad tricky given that FIND() returns a number if found or error if not found … but knowing that errors propagate through functions it’s easy again :wink:
