Empty Pages after Repagination

This first happened when I exported a long document with many pictures to PDF. The document is organized as a master document with sub documents. When I export to PDF Libreoffice does a “repagination” and inserts several blank and half-blank pages in the document and the exported file.

Is this a known issue? Any solution?

Without knowing more about the page format settings, I only can guess.

Could it be that you have some pages formatted as left side pages and right side pages? If so depending on your pdf-settings you get empty pages to have the right page oder. I would check all page settings, styles and printer setting.

All pages use the default page style. It seems like a repagination problem to me.

I can imagine that setting of footer and/or header can have an influence. Saying this I would open in Style & Fornating (Sidebar or F11) under Pages Styles > Default > header (and footer) to see if the “Same content left/right” is checked. If this is unchecked it could cause left and right side to be different.

Same content is checked. I updated the question, the odt-document is also affected not just the pdf… It might have to do with the positioning of pictures, deactivating wrap improves the output. Is there a bug in the wrapping algorithm?