How recover deleted custom graphics

I saved a Libre Office impress presentation as pptx with a lot of custom graphics work. What’s the difference between saving the document as pptx in open office and powerpoint? Does that make a difference?

When I open it the next day, much of the custom graphics is gone or messed up. It was a massacre: text boxes seemed to have disappeared (couldn’t click on them), custom graphics were deleted, etc.

What happened?


When you save your file in pptx, there is a chance that you find the otp file in the back folder. Have look there.

Microsoft keeps his file format a moving target - most likely to protect its business. Therefore you never have a 100% compatibility between the native file format of LibO. LibO follows the odf-standard fully and Microsoft only partially.

When you need open and save files in any Microsoft format I work on them while being in the LibO native format and change to the needed Microsoft format only at the very end.

Consider also to use pdf-files. They are most always sufficient.

As far as I know and experienced, LibO 4.2 family can match pretty well Microsoft formats.

It was helpful. How can I convert a Libre Office Impress presentation into a video that includes the custom animation?