I am unable to install the software on Windows 7

Greetings to all, I have a Windows 7 64–bit OS. I have Open Office installed but I have been unable to upgrade to the latest version. Why is that ? Thank you. Ldxrunner

I suppose you are not logged in as an administrator, thus have no rights to do SW changes. Please make sure you login as with administrator rights.

In the case of upgrading from 3 to 4, I made the eperience that it is better to uninstall your version 3.5 before you install 4.2. Before unstalling 3.5 save your user profile. You can use it later again.

what would happen if I had documents with version 3.5.2 ? How would I upgrade? Thank you

You can load your old documents. No problem here.

First , thank you for the suggesting, uninstalling, the installing. I am very much a novice. How do I save my profile ? What are SW changes ? I am the administrator.

SW means Software. Ever time you want to install a new Software/Program this administor thing will happen to you.